Eric Chang (he/him)

I'm a phd student in the ROAM Lab at Columbia (advised by Matei Ciocarlie), where I currently work on developing tactile sensors for dexterous manipulation. I am also a NASA NSTGRO fellow, and I work with Trey Smith and Brian Coltin at NASA Ames. Before Columbia, I majored in mechanical engineering and computer science at Duke.

resume | LinkedIn | Twitter | Google Scholar

email: eric (dot) chang (at) columbia (dot) edu

profile photo
Recent Updates

[1-2024] Paper accepted to ICRA 2024!
[11-2023] Our work on in-hand manipulation (led by Gagan Khandate) was in TIME's best inventions of 2023!
[6-2023] Presented a workshop paper at ICRA 2023 ViTac workshop!
[4-2023] Paper accepted to RSS 2023!
[1-2023] Paper accepted to Chemistry of Materials!
[4-2022] Received NASA NSTGRO fellowship
[9-2021] Started MS/PhD program at Columbia
[8-2021] Finished internship at Nauticus Robotics
[5-2021] Graduated from Duke University
Publications and Posters
R×R: Rapid eXploration for Reinforcement Learning via Sampling-based Reset Distributions and Imitation Pre-training
Gagan Khandate*, Tristan Luca Saidi*, Siqi Shang*, Eric T. Chang, Yang Liu, Seth Dennis, Johnson Adams, Matei Ciocarlie
*equal contribution
under review at Autonomous Robots, RSS 2023 Special Issue

An Investigation of Multi-feature Extraction and Super-resolution with Fast Microphone Arrays
Eric T. Chang*, Runsheng Wang*, Peter Ballentine, Jingxi Xu, Trey Smith, Brian Coltin, Ioannis Kymissis, Matei Ciocarlie
*equal contribution
ICRA, 2024

Development Towards a PVDF-Based Tactile Finger with Distributed Vibration Sensing
Eric T. Chang, Peter Ballentine, Ioannis Kymissis, Matei Ciocarlie
ICRA 2024 ViTac Workshop: Robot Embodiment through Visuo-Tactile Perception
workshop paper

Sampling Based Exploration for Reinforcement Learning of Dexterous Manipulation
Gagan Khandate*, Siqi Shang*, Eric T. Chang, Tristan Luca Saidi, Johnson Adams, Matei Ciocarlie
*equal contribution
Robotics: Science and Systems, 2023
arXiv / Project Website / Video
Press: Tech Xplore, Popular Science, Time

Towards Development of a Signal-Dense Multimodal Tactile Finger
Eric T. Chang, Peter Ballentine, Ioannis Kymissis, Matei Ciocarlie
ICRA 2023 ViTac Workshop: Blending Virtual and Real Visuo-Tactile Perception
workshop paper

Phase Stability, Bandgap Tuning and Rashba Splitting in Selenium-Alloyed Bournonite
Eric T. Chang*, Gabrielle Koknat*, Garrett Mckeown Wessler, Yi Yao, Volker Blum, David B. Mitzi
*equal contribution
Chemistry of Materials, 2023, 35, 2, 595–608

Development of an Optically Transparent Kidney Model for Laser Lithotripsy Research
Sabrina Tran, Junqin Chen, Gunnar Kozel, Eric Chang, Trina Phung, Yanxi Peng, Zachary Dionise, Yuan Wu, W. Neal Simmons, Michael E. Lipkin, Glenn M. Preminger, Pei Zhong
BJU International, 2023, 132, 1, 36-39

Synthesis and Characterization of Selenium-Alloyed Bournonite CuPbSb(S1-xSex)3: a Prospective Semiconductor for Optoelectronic Applications
Eric T. Chang, Gabrielle Koknat, Volker Blum, David B. Mitzi
MRS Spring Meeting, 2021
Symposium award (2nd place), Best Poster Award

CTHULHU: The Design and Implementation of Duke Robotics Club's 2019/2020/2021 AUVSI Competition Entry
Duke Robotics Club
RoboSub Competition Technical Design Report, 2019/2020/2021
2019 paper / 2020 paper / 2021 paper
Placed 4th/1st (2020/2021) in technical design report at competition

Website template: Jon Barron.